Thursday, March 26, 2009

Believe, Become and Bear

It is my desire to simplify the church so that we can focus on the mission God has given us. That mission is to help people Believe God, Become like Jesus, and Bear Spirit-filled fruit. This simplification does not mean we take our walk with God for granted. Rather, it means that you have greater time and opportunity to deepen your relationship with your Master. Don't be satisfied with where you are; strive to be a deeper, more committed disciple of Christ.

As your pastor, I have high hopes and expectations for you. I refuse to let you stay the way that you are. I do love you, just as you are, but my love for you requires that I spur you along as you grow in your faith. I am confident as you deepen your relationship and move quickly in your walk with God that you will be afforded many opportunities to share your faith. This will multiply our numbers so that we obtain the simple goal that we aspire and that is to Believe, Become and Bear.

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