Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Gift from God

“Everyone should look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interest of others.”
Philippians 2:4

Christmas is approaching very quickly and it will be here in less than a month. Black Friday and Cyber Monday have already come and gone. Stores are open extra hours and retail sales are expected to exceed $579 billion, according to some estimates. The average household will spend between $200 and $500 per child with many exceeding this range by substantial amounts. Is it any wonder that with each passing generation individuals are getting more and more selfish? When I was a kid Christmas was exciting and receiving a gift was a special thing. Nowadays the gift is everything. This extreme selfishness in gift giving and receiving is one of the effects of the fall of humanity.

Why do you give gifts? I find that at Christmas the motive for gift giving often falls into one of three categories: (1) to make yourself happy. The main reason you spend time and money on the gift is so you will hear them say, “Aw! It’s just what I wanted.” Then you feel good about yourself and you just know they love you. (2) Is the, “I give good stuff so I’ll get good stuff.” You have come to the conclusion that people give to you in equal proportion to what you have given them. You give so you will get and be happy. Each of these motives always falls short of true lasting happiness, which brings me to reason (3) you give to reflect God’s glory.

The greatest gift ever given was when God gave Jesus to the world so that He could provide atonement for sin, so that a hopeless people could find hope. Philippians 4:13 says, “For it is God who is working in you enabling you both to desire and work out His good pleasure.” As a follower of Jesus God is enabling and using you to point people to God’s gift of salvation through Jesus. Unfortunately Satan through misplaced gift giving and receiving has blinded the eyes of people.

I urge you this Christmas don’t spend much time thinking about your own interests rather use your God given resources and love for others to give a gift that will reflect the love of God. After all, “God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Obedience and Prayer

There is a way that seems right to man but its end is the way to death the teacher says twice in the Book of Proverbs. His point is man’s human nature causes him to believe he knows what is best and when he follows his gut it will lead to death. For the disciple of Jesus that path is one we reject, rather we know that God has a way for us to live from day to day. Isaiah 30:21 says it this way: “Wherever you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear this command behind you: ‘This is the way. Walk in it.’” Jesus calls people to follow Him and as they do He leads them day-by-day through life and on into eternity in Heaven. This way is a particular way that God’s people of grace live out. This way is not a treasure map leading to a treasure in Heaven. Rather this way is a journey revealed by God that shows the believer how to live more and have their being from day to day. The labor of the follower is not so much to track the footprints left by Jesus in the sand. It is more a daily trial of learning how to act, speak, think and respond to the circumstances of that day’s experiences. Through the events of each day God speaks through the Holy Spirit who makes the disciple aware of what God wants and expect daily. Sometimes He speaks through the words we hear as we read the Bible, sometimes we hear Him speak through other mature believers and at other times His way is discerned through current circumstances. All of these ways of communication are guided by the Holy Spirit and funneled through our daily prayers.

Isaiah also speaking on God’s behalf saying: “This is the LORD’s declaration. I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit and trembles at my words (Isaiah 66:2).” Did you see that? There are people that God favors over others. They are the ones who humble themselves. This means they don’t have faith in the way that seems right to them; they have faith in the way God works things out even when that way makes no sense to them. Biblical humility is laying aside your prideful way of thinking that you know what is best for you and submissively laying down control of your daily pathway to God the Father. Next the highly favored person is “submissive in spirit.” Through life’s journey a follower of Jesus comes to know that they have two natures inside of them. The old nature leads them to do what they want when they want while the new nature compels them to do what God wants without respect to what their old nature wants. A person with a “submissive spirit” yields their thoughts and actions to those revealed by the Holy Spirit through prayer.

The third quality of the favored is they tremble at God’s Word. They place the highest authority of God on the words they find written in the Bible. In their mind God said it so they believe it. They read the Bible as if God Himself was speaking directly to them. In awe they revere the words of God like a slave who knows his life is in the master’s hand and he or she only lives because the master has willed it. When the master speaks they fall to their knees, tremble at his voice. When he stops speaking they spring into action going to carry out the command they have just heard. The highly favored of God are those who pray then read His word looking for the answers in His Word. When they find it they quickly seek to obey. Pride, lack of submission and indifference for the Word of God will block any communication between God and a believer.

In days of old God spoke in many different ways, dreams, donkeys, angels, audible voice, prophets and visions just to name a few. In these last days God speaks through His Son Jesus who is God’s word become flesh. When Jesus spoke it was God speaking; when Jesus did miracles God was speaking, when Jesus prayed God was speaking. When Jesus took action God was speaking and when Jesus forgave God was forgiving.

Hebrews 1:1-2a reads this way, “Long ago God spoke to the fathers by the prophets at different times and in different ways. In these last days, He has spoken to us by His Son.” As we the, followers of Jesus, study the Word of God and learn what it means we are hearing instruction from God the Father for our journey through life. So we read the Word, pray, then read the Word again and as we continue this cycle the Holy Spirit opens our minds to understand how we are to implement this new knowledge of God into our daily lives.

Jesus makes a statement, “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Me (Luke 9:23).” Jesus is laying out before His disciples a requirement for walking in His way. In order for the disciples to se the way they will need to squelch the static of sinful nature that is in them. By dying to self will and desire they are opening up themselves to be filled by the Holy Spirit who will lead them through each day of their lives. The Apostle Paul gives us the proper response to the call of death Jesus has extended. We decide to forsake the way of self and follow The Way as described in the Book of Acts. Paul says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:19b:20).”

A person’s flesh speaks so loudly in their mind that they cannot hear God speak. But when they a wholeheartedly surrendered to Christ in thought and action they are demonstrating that they are indeed submissive in their entire spirit and they tremble in awe as new revelations from God comes. Then they are ready to humbly do whatever His voice of God says knowing that obedience must always follow the voice of God.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Continuous Prayer

“Devote yourselves to prayer; staying alert in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 4:2

Devote yourself to prayer and don’t become discouraged. In so doing you will be allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you through your day. Prayer is not something you put on your to do list once a day pray for twenty minutes and check it off as done. Prayer should be continuous open conversation between you and God guided by the Holy Spirit in order to seek out what God is doing daily and what your role in any given circumstance is to be. In reading the Gospel we see that Jesus prayed quite a bit. Over His three and one half years of ministry we see that He prayed all night often, He fasted and prayed for forty days consistently and on many other occasions. He prayed for individuals and groups. At the tomb of Lazarus with many people around Jesus simply looked up toward Heaven and spoke to God as if God had been there all along. For Jesus prayer was a continuous conversation between Himself and His Father. At some points the prayers were intense like in the Garden when He sweat drops of blood. At other times it was only a few words like the Lord’s Prayer. These glimpses into His prayer life can help us discern that prayer should be all day long every day of the year. Paul said, “Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17)

As humans we get distracted fairly easily and these distractions prevent us from staying intensely connected with the Father in prayer, yet it must be our goal. Seek open dialogue 24 hours a day, seven days a week but don’t beat yourself up when you fall short. It is a battle and Satan knows that when you prayerfully walk in the Spirit you will be made more holy but when he distracts you your growth spiritually will be stifled. When you fail the 24/7-prayer goal don’t be discouraged. Your salvation is based on Jesus’ work on the cross not your ability to pray continuously. You are a work in progress and so is your prayer life.

Make it a point to begin your day with prayer. Determine to start your prayer journey tomorrow morning by setting your clock ten to twenty minutes earlier. Then read the Word of God some and pray some, then read the Word again and pray again. At the time when you would end don’t say a hardy amen! Rather just stop talking to God for a minute. Think of your prayer as a continuous conversation with God the Father imagining that Jesus is right beside you everywhere you go. Many times during the day talk to Jesus. Just say a few words to Him again with no amen! Then a few times in group settings remind yourself Jesus is in the room and just speak to Him and acknowledge His presence. You may want to do this silently or the members of the group may think you are crazy.

Over a period of days you will realize that God is ever-present and always eager to participate in the conversation in your mind. You will be on a path that leads you to continuous prayer. The Holy Spirit will cause you to see what God is doing around you, in you and through you. At some point during your continuing conversation your eyes will be opened to see things you have never before seen.

By making prayer an all day conversation the Spirit will remove blinders, which have been causing you to miss, seeing God’s wonders in your everyday life. A side benefit to this continuous prayer will be you will see more clearly sin that is presently in your life. When you do immediately confess it and turn away confidently knowing that God has promised you a way to escape and He is simultaneously empowering your walk away from it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Prayer and Anxiety

Cast all your cares on Him, because He cares about you.”
1 Peter 5:7

What a wonderful thought. The Almighty God of the universe who created everything and constantly keeps that creation moving along cares about you and the problems you face every day. God, who is limitless and who has all power is fully capable of spending time with each of His children 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He never sleeps and He never slumbers. He constantly is watching over you and the rest of His creation with love, grace, mercy and absolute power. Yet in His word He makes sure that you know that He cares for you and that He will meet all of your needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).

Because sin is loose in the world every person is born with a nature that is bent toward sin. But when that person finds salvation in Jesus by submitting to Jesus as Lord that bent nature is pulled back towards the holiness of God. Every believer has desires, some selfish and some Christlike centered. Anxiety occurs when these two natures clash. In selfishness you have a perceived way you think things should turn out. However, Jesus has His way which is perfect and best for His Kingdom and all believers. When His way and your way differ you either yield to His way or you cry out in prayer trying to move God to see it your way causing Heaven and earth to move the current circumstances to alien with the way you desire. The problem is God is unchangeable and faithful; true and sure. In His infinite wisdom He knows how things must be. So the solution to your dilemma is not for God to do what you think but rather to mold your thinking around the perfect way God has planned to work this situation out. Through prayer God communicates to you, your responsibilities and how you need to change your way of thought and action so that you will see, with trustful clarity, that He is working this given situation out for His glory and your good.

As a child of God you are constantly reminded in God’s Word that you can trust Him because He cares for you and He knows what is best for you as well as every other person on earth. Isaiah said it well when he wrote of God, “You will keep the mind that is dependent on you in perfect peace, for it is trusting in you” (Isaiah 26:3). God is a rock when it comes to His faithfulness and His children. He will always work things out according to His nature and desire. Therefore learn to keep your eyes on the Lord’s desire and His nature and over time your anxiety will begin to diminish. Prayer is the tool that you use to let go of your anguish and replace it with trust. Through prayer and petitions with thanksgiving you are to let your request be made known to God. Then in exchange for your anxiety He supernaturally gives you a peace from Him that the lost world is incapable of knowing.

God has promised to supply all your needs and Jesus made it clear in the Sermon on the Mount that you can trust Him for your physical needs. Stop now and go read Matthew 6:25-33 then come back and read here.

In that passage Jesus promised you that you did not have to worry about material things like the lost world does. Then He gives you instructions for what to focus your mind on and that is His Kingdom. The truth is you exist for God’s glory! Your mind should be filled with thoughts of His Kingdom and what your part in that Kingdom shall be every day. God has gifted and empowered you for service in His Kingdom and through prayer and much Bible study you are enlightened as to what that part is. As you seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness every thing else falls into place. In a short time the very thing you were so worried about no longer plagues your mind. Peace now reigns in your thoughts. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Purposed Prayer

“You ask and don’t receive because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your evil desires.”
James 4:3

Jesus did say, “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14:14). At first glance this may seem like a blanket promise from Jesus to His followers that if we ask for anything (house, car, land, healing, drugs, spouse, cash) it will be given or done for us, but it is not. This verse must be kept in context. Here Jesus is speaking to the disciples preparing them for when He returns to Heaven. He is letting them know that the church will be in their hands and when they ask  the Father for what is needed to fulfill His purpose in the church they will have what they ask for. The key phrase is “glorified in the Son.” Jesus had taught this group of twelve that they existed for God’s glory and they were on mission with God. As His servants He would empower them to carry out His will for the sake of His mission. Every prayer that a disciple of Jesus prays should be for Jesus’ sake and not their sake. As the disciple lives out Jesus’ mission to seek and to save the lost and to make disciples of all nations God the Father is going to grant whatever is needed to accomplish this task. Jesus now sits at the right hand of God with all authority in His hand. Interceding for the church when Peter or John ask God for help in prayer Jesus leans over to the Father and says this prayer request will be beneficial to Kingdom of Heaven growth on earth. Then God grants this and every other request.

James, points out that many in the church are not having their prayers answered and the reason is their motive is wrong. They ask for their sake not Jesus’ sake. The purpose of prayer is to discern the Lord’s will, request wisdom and discernment to know when and where to take action and request strength to carry out that will to the fullest most possible extent.

Jesus prayed in the Garden, “Father if You are willing take this cup away from Me—nevertheless, not My will, but Yours be done” (Luke 22:42). God gave confirmation to Jesus that His plan was for Jesus to receive God’s cup of wrath upon Himself. Then God gives Jesus discernment that He will go to the cross and He gives Him strength to endure the pain that will be thrust on Him as He receives the sins of humanity. In addition He lets Jesus know now is not the time to act but the time to be carried away by the Roman soldiers.

We are called to follow Jesus and as we go He makes us His disciples and as disciples we pray for discernment to know His will and as we gain this wisdom we learn how to pray for His names sake. When we ask for His sake according to His plan we know that we will receive what we have asked of Him.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


“May the Lord reward you for what you have done, and may you receive a full reward from the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come from refuge.”
Ruth 2:12

Boaz said those words to Ruth because of her kindness towards Naomi. Ruth loved her mother-in-law and her actions showed it in such a way that others, like Boaz, could see it. Your love for me has been made evident over the past weeks. During my down time you have prayed for me, called me, sent me cards, given me gifts and loved on me. In addition many of you have stepped out of your comfort zone and done above and beyond all that I could think or ask. In my absence I see no ministry that did not only continue but they flourished. Talk about making my heart sing with joy. From the deepest recesses of my heart I want to say thank you to every member of Ridglea. You are faithful servants ready to do God’s will at a moments notice and this is evident to all.

During my down time I was able to read much and write a pamphlet on prayer. I should have it ready for print in about a month. I will gladly share with you what God has shared with me.

Also I want you to know that my hip is healing nicely. I’m not quite a hundred percent a hundred percent of the time but I am a hundred percent a lot of the time. Without your prayer and support it would have taken much longer and been much more difficult.

“May Yahweh bless you and protect you; may Yahweh make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you; may Yahweh look on you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26